YouTube are you still Just using smoke and mirrors to exploit Artist or are you going to allow the Artist to get paid for the content your streaming that you don’t own?
Since YouTube started they were known from the very start to upload peoples music and video content themselves without consent just to get people coming to their website
Its true they would Shamelessly exploit anyone in order to become the massive company they are now and it worked.
Well nothing seemed to have changed at YouTube, they still let anyone upload content without out trying to help the true owners of it
Yet in the real world times have changed for those using this digital landscape.
I don’t have a problem with fans doing things with the right intentions at heart for the Artist as they are not at fault as the system of today is all about comunication ‘sharing information’ .
Since those eairly days there are now some legal rules that allow content owners if they choose to request YouTube and others to take down their content.
This is a legal requirement forced on companies like YouTube
But this is not the extream action that an Artists want to do as there are bettways to make the system work, especially if the uploader most likely would be a fan wanting to just tell the world how good the track or atrist is.
There is another way for Artist to gain some income from the playing of their music on YouTube and without resorting to demands to take their work off of YouTube.
You know those little banners that pop up on YouTube videos. Well that’s advertising and someone is getting paid when that flashes up even if you don’t click it
but is it the Artist? NO.
The thing is, YouTube don’t actually want the true owner to be payed for the videos you watch and so they won’t let Artist enter this lucrative arena where they can be paid via an advert on a fans page (that is playing the artist song).
This is once again YouTube pretending to be the friend of all but really just using other people’s media for their own financial gains.
But the system is in place to allow Artist to gain that money!
I have for almost a year now been trying to join their revenue program and all I have to do is be allowed in, but YouTube intentionally keep it in “beta” saying its not open yet, but really they have the big boys in there raking in advertising income while locking everyone else (us little people) out so as the keep the income of the billion other smaller artists income all for themselves and i’m sure there are billions being made in advertising views.
I can’t think of a better way to say it other than is thieving, making money off someone else’s hard work without compensating the owner.
I have found hundreds of fans that have posted loads of my music on YouTube. The view hits have been huge and I’m not getting paid at all.
I don’t have a problem with the fans as they are doing what they consider is fair to help promote my music but the advertising of all those people hearing it is an income being generated but not going to the Artist whos music the viewes are there to hear someone else (YOUTUBE) is getting the money so the Artist is just a means to an end with the Fan one side and YouTube the other.
I am unable to get revenue from the advertising that each user generates when my music is being streamed to them via YouTube but thats the whole point isn’t it?.
One day and I hope its soon these digital con merchant companies will be old news but I doubt they will care as they are just in it to steal from the true artists and creators of content as its always been.
YouTube are not creators of content only a means to stream content and as such should be paying for every piece of content on their massive database to all the owners of it.
but they don’t they rake in the advertising revenue for themselves and the select few who have the means do sue them and eveyone else is shut out of the game.
Scumbags have been all over Artists since the digital age took hold
But…. for all those that might be included as a scum bag thieves,
Please know that since the beginning of the digital revolution I have never made any of my catalogue available for sale in digital form NEVER! Not one track! On any SHOP ONLINE
MY MUSIC IS NOW EXCLUSIVE TO ONE COMPANY iTunes this means if it’s anywhere else then it’s illegally there and if its bought from any other place then iTunes then its not a legal purchase.
Its not on Spotifi or any of these streaming radio places that also dont pay what they claim to to be paying to Artists its only for my fans directly from iTunes and word of mouth as always is how it gets to the people that matter.
Some time in the near future I hopefully will get a chance to sue people like YouTube as I can prove my work and where its available and when that day comes I hope all these thieving scum bags lose all of their ill gotten gains but sadly i know already that they will already have stolen enough revenue leaching the blood out of the true content makers to not care.
YouTube you need to pay for the work you use right now and allow artist to get paid for the enjoyment their music is bringing people on your web site.
Open the door to the advertising revenue as without artist you are destined to die so don’t bite the hand that feeds you
This is the smoke and mirrors excuse YouTube have used for over a year now while they still continue to rake in the income from its use.
“This is a Beta program, and we’re in an ongoing process of refining, improving, and scaling the system up to meet everyone’s needs.“