My music as ‘Mark Ruff Ryder’ is to help people escape this mad world we live in. Music and Religion might be two different issues but I hope I can make a difference in both and I continue to try.
I try my best to live a good, honest and right life and to do the right things. I’m not religious at all; in fact, I disagree with all religion due to their deeper messages of hate, but that does not mean I don’t have faith because I have tons of faith. My faith is in mankind to do the right thing. That we can all live together with tolerance and understanding.
I have faith that mankind will all one day see how oppressive religion truly is and I have faith that with education more people might denounce religion and begin to worship life and tolerance for all, rather than a book of rules that are making so many waste their time on this earth praising invisible beings and fighting wars in the name of religion.
I’m not anti-social or an eco-warrior, I don’t think I have extreme views, I just know what is right and what is wrong.
If I see something wrong and I can make a difference I will not walk on by.
I don’t have a perfect life but I have a set of rules that guide me, they don’t come from religion they are born in almost all of us, they are compassion and respect for others. If you blend with society you will learn to nurture these feelings because we all want to fit in, but to do this we need to denounce the gangs that disguise themselves as religions.
I will always try to do the right thing but I know also that I’m am like everyone else just a human who can make mistakes or a bad choice.
I will never be perfect but I try always to make the right choice and I know what is knowingly wrong compared to a mistake or just a bad choice.
I try not to preach too much but I will stand up and shout against things that I hope to change because I have to at least try to make a difference with my voice.
We are all born with a part of the brain that needs to reach out beyond what we know as real and religion taps into this spiritual need, it fills the gaps of the unknown, it captures people with stories of Gods and life after death and ties them into a zombie controlling cycle of praying and restriction; all for a promise of better things after life.
Those believers are destined to live out their lives having been brainwashed and controlled like slaves and puppets and for what? A better life after death?
Do you know how mad it all sounds?
If we could be imaging more hope in people and do more good right now, all that wasted time praying could be used to actually do something real and make a real difference to humanity,
Millions are being killed every day in the name of some religion somewhere in the world right now. So many religious wars, Serbs, Bosnians, Croatians, Palestinians, Israelis, Christians, Jews, Muslims, always a religion behind every hate.
Clearly praying is a cop out, an excuse to do nothing but pray, eyes shut; hands clasped and mumble to your invisible friend to wish it all away or wish for something you personally want.
Religion in a virus that continues to infect everyday society with new rules, all religions enforcing their way on everyone else. Just listen to what religion says about gay people or women and non-believers. It’s all hate and we somehow seem to ignore it because it’s part of a religion.
I say all this only to allow the debate so that people do not just say they are Christian or Muslim out of habit. I wish them to say they are a Jedi or a DJ or anything but religion and to always do it when asked their religious views.
If they do this on forms and openly; it will slowly erode the power of religion as the government uses people’s opinions to see who has a say in law making so we can marginalise the church of any religion by never saying we are a part of it.
If I am wrong then so be it, the nature of Karma is such that I might work it out.
If you do not support my music because of my views I will take that as negative Karma from you to me, and it’s ok.
I’m trying to change the world; one person at a time, in my own way.
Be good and kind to each other
Mark Ryder