Success or failure, which would you, choose?
I know we all want success it’s a no brainer of a question but there is so many types of success but with it comes many pitfalls and so I’m not talking about the obviousness of the question it’s the deeper meaning of getting success which is what comes when you have it (all the bad baggage of success)
We all strive for success to achieve our goals and to win in the race but looking at my life and others from a distance. I see so many facts to be very wary of the whole success thing and the way everything works once you have it.
Like it or not we all live in a kind of bubble we create for ourselves it’s our life eco system
The music business I have built is in a bubble of my own underground music and there are other in this eco system bubble also we might not all interact but our output is for others who also consume our music because they are also in the bubble as consumers.
No matter how open people think everything should be in reality we are all inside our bubbles and we also cross over into other peoples bubbles if we choose to. its almost like a collection of cells that clump together all separate bubbles but creating a cluster
In my bubble I always knew there was only ever a handful of talented producers making the bulk of the music under many different names, when I say a handful I mean 10 max covering the years 1988 to 1995, yes there were hundreds more people in the music bubble having a go and every now and then they might hit the sweet spot and make a good track but it was not consistent and just a one off so that to me was not true talent it was just a great break but not true talented as true talent never stops it knows what’s going on all the time over and over again there were only a had full of producers who could/can do this even now, and I like to think I was/am one of those and only history can be my judge
But there were other bubbles that also connected to my cluster of life crossing bubbles i look up to one company in particular and their work as it play’s a massive roll on my own ability to be creative in what i do in my musical quest to find a sucess i am happy living with.
Yes you guessed it Apple Macintosh Computers Inc.
They have a bubble also their eco system of computers doing their thing their way like Steve Jobs the visionary and his little empire and a handful of other innovators but then also again there were countless others also doing things inside that computer bubble but only getting it right may be once then disappearing just like in my music bubble.
I see these bubbles all over the place pick something you really respect and appreciate and then look at what bubble it might sit in and compare its comparable products and see where it sits in the hierarchies of that bubble ask yourself is there a better product maybe more expensive but better you would get it instead if money was no object? If the answers yes then maybe your iconic product is just a rip off of the real thing? But if the answers no then you should also be able to see how many others in that bubble are just imitators circling around it, feeding off it but with no real compass or vision as to what’s next or where they are heading just waiting to suck the blood from the next innovation that the real talent is creating inside that bubble.
If you work in an office you know also who is the talent and how many are just clinging on and taking the credit feeding off others who really have the talent but are kept down in order that those untalented others can take the glory for themselves,
I suppose it’s the way of the world a few lambs and hundreds of wolves.
What’s the point of this blog I’m sure your asking yourself?
I suppose I have always seen so much frustration with being successful and sticking out too far knowing the wolves and vulchers in my music and my life bubbles will come and ruin me and cause pain and destruction on me if i get too noticed or sucessful.
This is how i have always felt about sucess, ans so with this in mind this blog felt like a current issues with Apple Computers as they are trying to fight off the wolves and cirucling vulchers in their computer bubble, a true icon and innovator and it has similar problems being sucessfull but whats even more infuriating is my frustraition at the ignorance in people who seem to be buying into the wolves and Vulthures cries of foul while those same Vulchers continue blatantly ripping the living flesh from the Original innovators (Apple)
All this unique Lamb is doing, is fighting back in the courts against the Vulchers (who have no true vison or ability to be different).
Lets be honest here REALLY!
Apple designed and re-invented a Unique and original tablet that worked and in doing so opened a whole new market of products for consumers
Now that’s the simple and obvious part but the not so simple or obvious information when you read it is they DESIGNED EVERYTHING! nothing looked of felt like it before they made it!
If a car was a car was a car then why do we all have different cars?
would you be seen in a clumped out Datsun sunny? Or would you prefer the latest Ferrari?
design make a massive difference its not just 4 wheels and an engine.
With this in mind how come all the latest phones and tablets are always looking like Apple products? These are the wolves biting at the lamb or the vulchurs ripping the lamb while its still alive
Look at how Samsung are shamelessly ripping off everything Apple, from the hardware looks and the way it is designed and runs and the even the advertising of the product.
And Android if you have ever used iOS you will know just how bad Android is in its very poor imitation of the real thing and again look and you will see they can not even come up with a different way to create icons for the thing just blatantly ripping off every nuence that Apple do
Also Amazon Ripping off everything also? Ok they take the biscuit with the CEO dressing like Steve Jobs in the company’s launch of their cheap and cheerful tablet.
This Wake of company’s are jumping all over Apple taking their ideas and hard work and vision and destroying it with no regard to all the effort and time and love that has been put into every aspect of the ideas, marketing and design.
It annoys me (in the third party aspect that I find myself) to hear android users slate the iOS like they really don’t realise they are using a bad imitation of Apples iOS and also Samsung users all praising a bad clone of an iPad after being duped into thinking its just as good because it looks the same and when these users get these cloned devices be it phones of tablets their best defence is their devices are not restricted like Apples products but forgetting how useless the thing is as it wont work right.
Also hearing people complain at Apple for fighting for their intellectual property rights as if they should just lie down and be eaten by the wolves
It’s so sad people don’t realise their own ignorance to the facts.
Who is creative?
Who is just a backstreet forger making knock off imitations?
I make music and i own my work totally so I deal more with wolves rather than than the vulture but it is all the same in its way
Don’t get me wrong i’m not whiter than white, i do take ideas from those greats that have travelled before me in music but I don’t clone their music that would be piracy and in the music world you can be inspired by a riff and create something new and original but its never a clone everyone knows its ether a remake on something old or its something totally new in an original way but its never a bootleg clone/hack but this form of use is cleared and acceptable in music even a totally remake can be cleared with the credits and publishing being sent to the originator of the works so music is not so complex but hardware and computers etc and the whole miss selling and representation of products is almost impossible to do in music..
I mean did you see the amazon presentation I mean they are just lower than low to totally copy a presentation that Apple would do I mean the dumb nuts can’t have 1 idea amongst them but then to do it makes it is unequivocal proof that they have no morals or individuality and have to take every cue from what Apple does to ensure success by duping the public into thinking its as good as Apple products just because it looks almost like them some how.
So that brings me nicely to my very first comment about success and failure the answer is still yes everyone wants success but with it comes all the nasty gutter types who want to use you and at the same time see you fail they have what they need to become a knock off and shoddy clone of you and they have the power and the might to fool the masses into thinking they are innovators when really they are just scummy money hungry vultures.
I realise this is why all my life I have tried to stay in the shadows always trying to be a successful enough to pay my bills but no too much to be noticed by the vultures and get caught up with the low life’s that way out number the nice.
Sorry for the benefit of my son who’s reading is pretty good but some words he has trouble understanding I would just like to explain some words in this blog for him here.
Vulture is the name given to two groups of convergently evolved scavenging birds (note to son I have used this term to explain the corporate entities like Samsung Amazon Google/ but I could have added HTC and others So you replace the word ‘Birds’ with the text “companies like “ then just add the companies names to get the same explanation in the human world of business)
Wake is reserved for a group of vultures who are feeding